planning out the new pad

So . . . I'm making a big move across town, from a spacious 3-bedroom Edwardian flat in the heart of the city to a teensy little studio near the Presidio. I'm ready as ever, anxious and anticipating lot's of "me time" in this new environment.

For this very personal design project I'm totally utilizing my outlets & resources. I looked into the color trends our forecasting friends have chosen for the design industry in 2011. Out of Global Color Research's four different color palettes for 2011, I chose color story 3, based on my love for neutrals and the fun factor of red accents.

"Genteel: Genteel takes us on a journey through a traditional domestic setting where comfort is derived through familiar settings. With a largely neutral palette, drama is evoked through key highlights: carmine, scarlet and gold. A classic mood prevails."

I need to decide on a fun wallpaper for an accent wall that goes well with the color palette, drapery and flooring. Working in the design industry is such a disadvantage sometimes; you're surrounded by endless options but can only choose one! UGH! So I asked friends for help but that ended up making the decision even more difficult. Most chose B & C but my inner design aesthetic chooses either A or D (way more fun). It's an accent wall people! Ha!

The plan-of-attack is to make my studio look spacious- so less decor, clutter confined to storage areas, a clean color palette and most importantly minimal furniture usage.

Favorite spot? My little 1950's kitchen. Its adorable and gets lots of light. I love it so much I also made it my office :)

A "studio-warming" gift from my big sissy, to keep me busy. Thanks Tenaya!

Having no house mates is a little scary but I think I'll be just fine. It's just me and my clutter, gizmos & quirky decorative accents in my new little happy home. Let the Martha Stewart projects begin!